The Government Buyer manages innovative, responsive, and accountable public procurement by working in partnership with state agencies, local governments, and suppliers/vendors inaccordance with all applicable laws and administrative requirements. A government buyer’s primary function is to procure materials, supplies, equipment and services that are in the best interest of the state.
Reduce procurement cycle time from requisitions to purchase order
Levels the playing field for small and local vendors
Increases competition without increasing your workload
Transmits complex bid packages electronically
Electronically tabulates solicitation results
Agency Support Team provides product support 24/7
Ability to target vendors nationally or locally
Lowers procurement cost significantly by reducing time, materials, legal notices and postage
Complete audit trail functionality for each transaction
Transparency through out the entire process
Stand alone functionality or can be integrated with your financial management system
Click here to view BASEC Agency Solutions and options available for state and local government agencies.
Benefits of eProcurement System for Government Buyers: