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Attention Hawaii Vendors:

This is to announce that the Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) OSFSS and University of Hawaii are no longer requiring hard copies of electronically submitted files for their construction/Maintenance & Repair project Invitation to Bid (IFB) solicitations.

The University of Hawaii has begun implementation with details provided within each of their respective IFB solicitation’s documentation.


Effective November 1, 2018, the HIDOE OSFSS will no longer require original hard copies of the mandatory attachments for construction/Maintenance & Repair IFBs indicated on the HePS IFB Checklist to be separately submitted within five (5) working days after a bid closing date for award.

Completed forms indicated on the HePS IFB Checklist only need to be uploaded with your electronic bid. It is the responsibility of the responding vendor/supplier/contractor to check each of their uploaded files to confirm the file integrity and that it can successfully be opened and is displayed correctly. As indicated on the HIDOE HePS IFB Checklist, the subcontractor list shall be submitted as a separate standalone file upload.
This notice shall waive the requirement to submit hard copies pursuant to HAR §3-122-9.